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Save Time and Money With These Helpful Travel Tips
Planning and Preparation:
Planning and preparation depends on how long you are going to be gone and how well you know the area you are visiting.

If you are staying in the US you can find tourism information on all 50 states or if you are traveling abroad here is some information planning a foriegn trip.

Safety and Health:
Safety and Health are always a big concern when traveling. Get tips on keep your health while traveling and what to do in a medical emergency. Don't become a victim of pickpockets while on vacation. Learn how not to be an easy target and learn pickpocket tricks that can save you from a ruined vacation.

Travel Checklist:
Leave for more than a week? Then you may need to make use of a check list to make sure you don't forget anything.

One Day before your trip:
(1) Pay bills that will come due while you are away.
(2) Walk around with your packed luggage to evaluate your comfort with the weight of the luggage.
(3) Move houseplants away from direct sunlight, water thoroughly and wrap pots with plastic. Most plants can then live without further watering for two weeks.
(4) Empty the refrigerator of items that might spoil.
(5) Cancel or hold your newspaper delivery.
(6) Fill the car with gas before you pack the car. Check the fluid levels and tire pressure, since your tire pressure will effect the ride and gas mileage you get on your trip.
(7) You might want to turn your refrigerator to its lowest setting.
(8) Set automatic light and radio timers. Check the bulbs to see if they will last for your entire trip.

For overseas trips and longer vacations check out these checklists.

Hotel Tips: How to get the best deals:
How could a stay at a more expensive Hotel provide an even cheaper vacation than staying at a discount Hotel? When comparing rates, look at the whole package. The answers to the questions below could reveal that the more expensive Hotel has included many services in their rate that will reduce other areas of your vacation budget. So, depending on your plans, the more expensive Hotel might provide a less expensive vacation.

Items to check: Breakfast, Airport shuttle (eliminates a cab), newspaper, excellent workout area and pool, discount for children, check it out because it all adds up.

How can you save money on your rooms rates?
(1) Book early, the cheapest rooms go first.
(2) Be flexible about your travel plans.
(3) Vacation off season if possibles - rates are lower and you get all the amenities.
(4) Ask to see if there are any Specials! It's so easy, most people never take the time to ask. Do it and you could save 10-40%.
(5) Know competitor's prices, it is easier to negotiate with one hotel if you know the price of their competition. Note: Hotels must be in the same area and offer roughly the same services.

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